Τετάρτη 6 Μαρτίου 2013


Saturday 9/3 djing at Lust's birthday party 
at Frown (Frown tails headquarters') with the Lust crew.

The whole show: 


art :: opening 20.00
Μαρία Βαρελά, Ελένη Μπαγάκη, Extra-Conjugale (Ειρήνη Καραγιαννοπούλου - Sebastian Marteau), LIGHTROOM projects (LRp): Νατάσα Παπαδοπούλου, Δημήτρης Μιχαλάκης, Καμίλο Νόλλας, Δημήτρης Τριανταφύλλου, Μάνος Χρυσοβέργης

Διάρκεια έκθεσης: 9/3 - 16/3
Tρ.-Παρ. 18.00-21.00 :: Σαβ. 12.00-18.00 :: Κυρ.-Δευτ. κλειστά


live :: starts 22.00
My Drunken Haze
Pan Pan

dj sets: Lust crew / The Boys Who Couldn't Stop Dreaming


Facebook event:  http://www.facebook.com/events/274247369374255/

Πέμπτη 7 Φεβρουαρίου 2013

Τετάρτη 6 Φεβρουαρίου 2013

Οur playlist @ Indieground Radio 05/02

1. 1000 Violins - Halcyon Days
2. Crippled Pilgrims - Out of hand
3. Vietnam Veterans - Dreams of today
4. Tame Impala - Mind mischief
5. The Moons - Lights Out
6. Galaxie 500 - Flowers
7. The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Bold as love
8. Elephant Stone - Bombs bomb away
9. The Stone Roses - Heart on the staves
10. Felt- Hours of darkness have changed my mind
11. The Blackeyed Susans - Will's blues
12. The Go-Betweens - Part company
13. Jake Jumpers - 1966
14. Alsatians - Teen romance
15. Earthling - I could just die
16. My Bloody Valentine - In another way
17. The Ten Commandments - Not true
18. Morning Dew - Crusaders smile
19. Ήταν Είναι Και Θα Είναι - Δεσποινίς Χορεύετε;
20. The Clean - Are you really on drugs
21. Donovan - Wear your love like heaven
22. Jackpots - Lincoln city
23. The Shocking Blue - I'll write your name through the fire
24. Steve Miro And The Eyes - Queen of the sea
25. The Soul Agents - The seventh son
26. Northern Picture Library - Catholic easter colours
27. Blues Magoos- (We ain't got) nothing yet

Πέμπτη 24 Ιανουαρίου 2013

My Drunken Haze interview at indieground 22-1

    Την Τρίτη 22-1 στο studio του indieground radio βρέθηκαν μαζί μας ο Spir Frelini (Guitar,bass,organ,,lyrics) και η Matina Sous Peau (Vocals,Organ,Tambourine) των My Drunken Haze εν όψει του επερχόμενου live τους στο six dogs στο οποίο θα γίνει η παρουσίαση του πρώτου τους E.P. "Pleasing Illusions (το event).
      Η συνέντευξη που μας παραχώρησαν βρίσκεται εδώ: My Drunken Haze interview

Every Tuesday 22:00-24:00 (GR Time), The Boys Who Couldn't Stop Dreaming radio-show at


Πέμπτη 10 Ιανουαρίου 2013

The Key Compilation - TBWCSD Vol.3

                        A homemade compilation of 18 rare pop songs released on the 21st of December at "playing songs for... sad eyed girls" party we threw at Key Bar Athens that day. Limited to 50 copies with a paper cover/poster in it. 

                "those days I looked for love, those days I felt..."

DJ SET - Saturday 12-1-13

                    "it's all about pop 'n' it's all about roll"

                              Key Bar(Praxitelous 37 , Athens)         

playlist@indieground 8/1

1. Allah-Las - Long journey
2. Spacemen 3 - Come down easy
3. Pale saints - You tear the world in two
4. Night Beats - Puppet on a string
5. The Cynics - No friend of mine
6. Blackfeet Braves - Open up your heart
7. Nervous Eaters - All except you
8. Paul McCartney - The back seat of my car
9. Suede - Barriers
10. Bubblegum Lemonade - Caroline's radio
11. Hurricane #1 - Just another illusion
12. Metrotone - Kiss me awake
13. Kendra Smith - Stars are in your eyes
14. Gun Club Cemetary - Dead man's tongue
15. The Ladybug Transistor - Echoes
16. The Celibate Rifles - Gimme danger (The Stooges cover)
17. Dino Valente - New wind blowing
18. Jeremy Jay - Hold me in your arms tonight
19. Strange Tenants - Hard times
20. Martyn Bates - The look of love
21. This Mortal Coil - You and your sister

Every Tuesday 22:00-24:00 (GR Time), The Boys Who Couldn't Stop Dreaming radio show at
